Sumner School - Topeka Kansas

Sumner School is not affiliated with "BROWN V. BOARD SUMNER LEGACY TRUST".
Southside Christian Palace Church is not affiliated with any other fundraising or donation efforts for, or in the name of Sumner Elementary School. Donations and support efforts affiliated by Southside Christian Palace Church, will be initiated and administered by Southside Christian Palace Church and its authorized, administrative officials.
The Sumner Elementary School in Topeka, Kansas was involved in the Brown v. Board of Education case of Topeka in 1954. Linda Brown's attempted enrollment to the Sumner School was rejected by the Topeka Board of Education, thus forcing her to attend the all-black Monroe School, which was farther away from her home. Oliver Brown, Linda's father, then joined the class action lawsuit against the Topeka Board of Education that was eventually heard before the Supreme Court.
The Sumner Elementary School is currently a National Historic Landmark listed with the United States Department of the Interior. It was constructed in 1936 as a part of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, a New Deal program.
The school was designed in the Art Deco style by Thomas W. Williamson, and has an unusual amount of stone detailing. [Source: Wikipedia]
More information on how you can support the rebuilding of Sumner Elementary School is coming soon. Please stay tuned.